The Foundation supports organizations characterized by strong leadership, a compelling track record and future potential. The Foundation focuses support on non-profit organizations. We identify these organizations based on their alignment with Foundation priorities and internal due diligence. We value the insights of trusted colleagues and experts and seek opportunities to collaborate with others. The Foundation is focused in enhancing education, strengthening human services, improving health and meeting community needs in Illinois and beyond.



A quality education prepares us for life. It gives us the tools we need to prosper as individuals, to contribute to our community, to be productive citizens and to remain competitive as a nation. Yet many children leave school unprepared for college or career, often performing at proficiency levels well below minimum standards. School systems developed in an earlier era have been slow to adapt to opportunities available today. Parents, particularly in impoverished neighborhoods, face limited choices for their children’s education. And while many talented individuals become teachers every year, countless others are discouraged by a system that provides too many obstacles to excellence.

In recent years however, new organizations and innovations have emerged which give children the opportunity to learn and to thrive. The organizations leading these breakthroughs have altered the perception of what is possible for all children and these organizational successes are driving broader, wholesale change.

The Foundation seeks out and invests in these opportunities. We support local, regional and national organizations and those outside our immediate community whose work will transform the lives of children in Illinois and beyond. Examples include programs to ensure that children have access to an effective teacher and a robust learning environment.

Human suffering takes many forms and affects people from all walks of life. Problems like poverty, trauma, homelessness, illness, availability of clean water and unsanitary living conditions leave lives disrupted and human potential lost. That’s why the Foundation supports programs to alleviate human suffering and give people a fair shot at creating their own success. We also know that effectiveness requires a balance between meeting the emergency needs of those in crisis and supporting long-term solutions that lead to self-reliance and stability. On a case-by-case basis, the Foundation will invest directly in local non-profits.

Human Services & Health


Community Needs

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From time to time, the Foundation will respond to specific community needs or special projects which offer innovative solutions to problems that have recently emerged or for which past solutions have not proven effective. These grants will support a range of locations and issues including health improvement, disease prevention and disaster relief in Illinois and beyond.